Monday, September 17, 2007

Long but interesting week

So, the 17th of September is here already! I've already read Chapter 3 for this class and realized I was ahead by one week. That's okay with me. This book is so interesting to read and I really enjoy the discussions posted on the class boards. I know we have a long way to go but I realize how important it is to master the basics so early on. It'll help at the end with my paper and group case study. Not that much more to report other than I hope to spend a little more time this week on my studies. I'm usually spending about 3 hours a night and 8 hours on the weekend. But with my friends in town and the wedding this weekend, it's a little overwhelming trying to juggle everything. Hopefully I'll be able to comment on more than just a brief week overview later on.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

End of the first week - sorta

So, it's another day and I've just finished the homework, review questions, and readings for my other class. It seriously takes a lot of me but at least I find the information interesting. Getting ready to start the readings and research for ITEC 610. Brian's been a great help around the house, doing the housework and playing with the cats, allowing me more time to focus on the classes. I don't know how students with a spouse and children find the time. I'm totally impressed by them.

You know, it wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have to work and could be a full time student! Yeah! I'll just have to win the lottery. Guess I should start playing soon.

I don't want to just enter text into this blog for the heck of it. I don't have much to say other than my friends from London land in a few days and it's going to be a week of fun!

Ciao for now!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Chatty intro

Ahh, the first day of school. Who looks more forward to that than a student paying for her classes and trying something new. No chance of failure here as I have too much riding on this change.

Take a look at the course book "Management Information Systems". So far, the text has definitely got my interest. Who doesn't want to learn how to make things run more efficiently? Why deal with a slow idea, slow process, 50 steps that can be eliminated and so forth. The preface supports my excitement with the following statement . This text "...addresses the more difficult question of how to use information technology to solve business problems."

Let's learn and take advantage of the technology out there.