Tuesday, June 24, 2008

What do you get when you measure...

Does blogging or other social media efforts pay off in real dollars? The following is from a post Lewis Green wrote on the Daily Fix, the MarketingProfs blog, last week. He adds, "...the real ROI of blogging comes in different forms and the "R" in ROI doesn't always have to mean revenue." Lewis suggests that marketers ask whether such efforts:

• Create great customer experiences as measured by the happiness levels of our customers?
• Result in loyal clients?
• Result in revenues and/or profits?
• Result in leads and referrals?
• Result in getting us noticed?

clipped from mail.google.com
"I am a stickler for marketing and sales results. Everything we do should be measured, including our social media and social networking efforts. If what we do doesn't return ROI, we should stop doing it."

blog it

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